Love is an experience that comes to us; no matter how much we seek it in blank spaces, how much we define it, or run from it, it knocks at our doorsteps and presents itself like the gift we always knew was there for us. Love, for Preet and Arjun, appeared in California, but had its roots at home.

These lovebirds found their way back to India by way of a pre-wedding photoshoot that happened in Safdarjung Tomb in Delhi. Due to the immediacy of their visit, this day was a get-it-all for the team, and we had to wrap up the shoot in one day. The weather, however, conspired in our favour and gifted us light breezes that gave flight to Preet’s dupatta, and thereon their matrimonial lives.

It will never cease to be amazing to us how two people find each other on the other side of the globe, only to reconnect where they were rooted.

Love doesn’t stay at cognition, but becomes recognition; not a connection, but also being able to reconnect.

We at Tuhina Chopra Photoworks wish them every happiness imaginable, and hope we did our bit to make the experience memorable.

Play me.